Monday, December 26, 2011

The Loss of a Pet

Two days from now will mark the second anniversary of the loss of my beloved bichon Oscar. His brother Sonny was lost to us this past March and it is difficult, even months or years later to move on or "get over it". As I know almost all of my fellow pet owners can relate to this, I will tell all of you how I deal with the sadness, evey day, of missing my most faithful and loyal companion. I look at the 13+ years I had with Oscar as a which will never be taken from me. Although he is gone, every memory, the silly things he would do, both good and bad, will never be far from my mind. When I get in one of those moods where I miss him almost too much to bear, I imagine what it would be like to never have had him in my life and not have these wonderful memories of the sweetest little dog to ever live. And he loved me...more than matter what. As the saying goes "Tis better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all." Every time I become despondent over the fact that I will never see that fuzzy white face again, I remember all he gave me and I am thankful for the memories and the gift of having loved him and having him in my life.

1 comment:

  1. 28, 2013 at 2:07 AM

    I know your loss as this last year we lost Two of the most Loved fluffs of our lifes. Cholie Sue and her Daughter Sasha Ann Known as Sassy. They passed from this life from liver Cancer and Kidney failure. I pray to some day meet them in heaven again and sometimes its all that helps. I do rescue and foster in memory of my loved ones. Sometimes money is tight because the vet bills get large and pockets get thin but my babies get the best. My son has brain cancer & Gets so much from our fur babies lifes here. I love what I have seen tonight on your site. I will be ordering soon. Kat with Bichon Rocks.
